Eternity is only a breath away, but we must choose it first. Poignant, heart-warming and fascinating, this true account of one woman's journey through life, then to Heaven and back, is quite unforgettable.
is a remarkable true story of her amazing near death experience. Rebecca's story is one that will forever leave an indelible imprint on one's soul. Experiencing near death while undergoing surgery, she had suddenly stopped breathing. Leaving her body, she could hear the code being started by hospital staff as she watched them scurry about the room attempting to bring her back. In her book she describes this amazing journey to a place she knew to be "Heaven" and describes what she saw and felt there.
Her husband, left to face the possibility of losing her, was on his knees in a room near by begging for God to save her life and bring his dear Rebecca back to him. Rebecca, in that place of peace and love, was given a choice. She could return to the physical realm to her husband or stay in this wonderful, new beautiful world that she knew was her home. This book is an absolute testimony to the power of prayer, faith, love and compassion, while exhibiting the faith of one man that dared to ask for the impossible. Come and experience an unforgettable true account of a woman that experienced Heaven, but chose to come back to her true love on Earth.
The author has chosen to unveil her story so that others may be encouraged that death is not a thing to fear. She explains that death is easy and quick, but there is more waiting on the other side than we could ever imagine. One will be inspired and encouraged to look up to God, our Father in Heaven, to get us through this journey called "life." Even though life is not easy and as for Rebecca, life had been filled with abuse, neglect, rejection and turmoil. This book gives the reader hope that life can turn around for the better, no matter what is behind you in your past. The point is, the past is the past and the present is your reality that we all must appreciate and embrace to enjoy life now in our" present. A highly recommended read.
You may also get your copy of My Journey To Heaven and Back on Amazon in paperback or Kindle Edition.