Enjoying Every Day and Each Other

Book Release News, Christian Reading. The Young Bride and Groom: A Marriage Union of Sixty Years by Lorine and Douglas Hargrave gives tribute and honor to the marriage covenant, celebrates their union and speaks of how to live happily in love with God and others. An endearing read that is written by a woman of faith that speaks of the true meaning of love, offering the love verse 1 Corinthians 13:13 as her foundation – “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.” (NIV) Full of encouragement, this book offers inspiration in light of the modern-day plight of widespread divorce.

As a commemoration of their sixty years, the third renewal of wedding vows is exhibited amongst life long memories and pictures (even of all their old cars which is a treat), and is themed by praises, prayer, and faith that is an encouragement for any young or long-married couple. 

A Well Written Faith Filled journey. 
The Young Bride and Groom is simple and a joy to read, giving sound biblical advice that is presented in a light way to family and friends, encouraging all to make God the center of all of one’s life and marriage.  With her husband of sixty years, who is a pastor, the author describes their lives and the fruitfulness that comes from abiding in Jesus and His Word. Such topics that are spoken of are: good communication, praying together and doing something nice everyday. This is wonderful book from an elder, that after being married sixty years gives easy keys to living a healthy, content and happy life in marriage. A highly recommend read and encouragement to all who read this book depicting what a blessed union and life look like.

You may get your copy at Banes and Noble.