He Has Delivered Us from the Power of Darkness

Colossians 1:13  He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.     

The world is faced with many problems. Some accuse God of not being in control, or of allowing the problems on the earth.  They fail to realize that God gave the task to us, see Genesis 1:26.  The satanic forces that have been controlling the world since the time of Adam were defeated at Calvary.  

The control was taken away from them and was given over to the Believer.     

James 4:7 says you are to resist the devil, and he will have to flee from you.  This will only be possible as you submit to the Lord.  You must ask God what His will is, as well as the timing.  

Ask God to direct you, so that you start controlling the circumstances He wants to have changed.